On May 21st, 2022, Craig was inducted into the CQ Contest Hall of Fame. His induction occurred at the Dayton Contest Dinner. Craig was introduced by current SMC president, Anthony, AB9YC.
As the SMC board met at the end of the year, it was decided to recognize Zig, KM9M, for his years of service to the club as its membership secretary. The plaque shown below was made and mailed to Zig, as a thank you from the club.
SMC took first place for the W/VE club competition in the 2021 Minnesota QSO Party. Congratulations, and thank you, to all of the SMC participants.
The Society Of Midwest Contesters has again won the Club Competition in the 2020 Tennessee QSO Party. Thanks to the TNQP contest committee for another great year of fun! We also broke the club record previously set by the South East Contest Club and had several SMC members win their respective states.
SMC now has a YouTube Channel. This contains SMC Fest 2020 videos to watch again or for the first time if you missed our virtual event held in August. More videos will be added in the future. You can also access the link to our SMC YouTube channel under Resources > SMC YouTube