We have a team working on the SMC newsletter. If you have any material you would like to submit for the Black Hole, send it to me in the next few days and we will do what we can to incorporate it into the issue we are working on. If you have an idea about something you want to write, run with it and send it when it is ready, we will use it in a later edition.
We will attempt to glean some occasional material form the SMC email list, but would still like input from the membership, as in all SMC members, not just the same few people. One thing we are going to try do on a regular basis is to spotlight SMC members with the primary focus on the “ANTS’ in the club rather than those we all hear about and know. Please be thinking
about putting together a short biography about yourself and submitting it for publication. We also would also like to hear what you are up to currently, what projects you may be working on, new equipment you may like to share your thoughts on, almost anything you think the membership would have some interest in.
The Black Hole is your newsletter, the more material we get from the you, the more often we can get an issue of the Black Hole out for everyone to read.
For now, send any articles, suggestions or questions to me and I will share them with the rest of the team.
Danny Pease NG9R
2012 November
2010 February May June September
2009 January February March April May June September November December
2008 January February March April May September October December Special VHF/SS
2007 January February May June September October November December K9CC mast loading
2006 January February May/June July/August
2005 January/February March/April May/June July/August September/October
1987 May/August
1986 February May August October