Brian, N9ADG (Editor of ARRL Contest Update) will present on Sweepstakes and also his role in Contest Update – 50 minutes
Wyatt, AC0RA will present on VHF Contesting and his experiences roving. He is just now completing a very successful Gridpedtion for ARRL VHF to rare grids. – 50 minutes
Bart, W9JJ ARRL Radiosport and Field Services Manager – ARRL Contest update…50 minutes
Randy, NA9RB Lightning protection in the shack 20 minutes
Gary, W9XT Maximizing your Part Time scores – 20 minutes
Jim, N9JF QSO Party mobile operations – 20 minutes
CJ, WT2P SO2R from a City Lot – 30 minutes
We will also have a short session with the ARRL officials in attendance to announce contest winners and awards. K9CT will also address current CAC activities.